Board Duties

Addendum B
President – Executive Board
•Oversee the operations of the PG PONY Board
•Preside over meetings of the Executive Board and General Board
•Attend meetings called by the Regional PONY representatives to obtain general information and updates to rules, etc. for regular and post seasons
•Assist Baseball Director and Softball Director with creating schedules for practices and games during regular and post seasons.
•Be an active part of the following committees : Budget, Rules, Field Planning and By-Laws (in years that this committee meets)
•Attend or Preside over other sub-committee meetings as needed or volunteered for
•Assist with Player Evaluation days
•Be the face and voice of public relations and special events unless otherwise delegated
•Determine approval of scholarship requests and report such to Treasurer
•Be prepared to step in and do any job, provide direction to any board member or volunteer
•Oversee any/all disputes and be the final decision maker (if necessary) in such dispute resolution

Vice President – Executive Board
Photo Day
•Secure vendor (Shooting Stars 2009, Central Coast Photography 2006-2008)
•Set date, schedule, etc. in conjunction with photo vendor
•Coordinate photo day •Deliver photos to Representatives for distribution to Managers
•Coordinate make-up day and distribution of make-up photos
•Distribute Sponsor Plaques to Representatives to give to Managers for distribution to individual sponsors
•Facilitate budget process with Treasurer each year in October
•Budget is presented at November meeting
•Companies - Waste Management or may use alternate
•Sites which need Port-A-Potties: oRobert Down, Forest Grove and David Avenue schools
•Port-A-Potties need combination locks; distribute combinations to all Representatives to distribute to Managers
•Coordinate with Webmaster PG Pony sign-ups for Spring Baseball and Softball (starting in December)
•Set dates 
•Distribute flyer to local schools

Organize clothing swap – during field prep day Assist with Spring baseball (Mustang & Bronco) and softball try-outs
•Bring doughnuts for helpers at try-outs
•Work table to distribute T-shirts and assist with parent questions,

if needed Assist President and Public Relations and Coordinating Special Events
Coordinate Pancake Breakfast with Kiwanis Club
Coordinate Good Ol’ Days parade with Pinto Representative
•Sign up for parade around February
•Make sure Pinto Representative has PG Pony Banner

Secretary – Executive Board
•Takes meeting minutes
•Email minutes to Board at least one week prior to meetings for review; edits minutes
•Facilitates posting of minutes, pertinent dates on website (works with Website Coordinator)
•Provides written correspondence from PG Pony organization
•Maintains email lists

Treasurer – Executive Board
•Pays bills in a timely manner
•Proposes yearly budget with Budget Committee •Meets with President monthly to review state of budget
•Maintains P.O. Box
•Maintains accounts payable files  oInsurance – due January
•Present state of budget on a bimonthly basis to Board
•Send any bills to parties owing PG Pony (e.g. sponsors)
•Prepare and file Federal and State tax returns oDue – 4/15 annually
•Prepare monthly income statement / balance sheet
•Reconcile bank activity with “books”
•Keep current the Raffle Certificate for PG Pony

Baseball Director – Executive Board
●Practice fields
•Coordinates practice field availability with the City of Pacific Grove, Pacific Grove Unified School District and other organizations as needed. Most organizations require an annual field permit. Field permits should be secured by October 15th of the preceding year. Field practice times and availability are determined with the assistance of the Softball Director.
●Baseball Team Uniforms (softball director does softball)
•Annually, obtains to RFP's (request for proposal) from at least two uniform vendors. The league supplies each player and up to three coaches per team. Places order and works with vendor to ensure uniforms are delivered 7 days prior to opening day. Supplied uniforms... ■Shetland: Tee-Shirt with sponsor name and hat. ■Pinto: Tee-Shirt with sponsor name, player number and hat. ■Mustang: One button shirt with major league team name, sponsor name, player number and hat. ■Bronco: Two button shirt with major league team name, sponsor name, player number and hat. ■Pony: Two button “jersey” with major league team name, sponsor name, player number and hat.
●Manager selection committee
•The board selects a manager selection committee annually. The Baseball Director chairs this sub-committee and oversees meetings and selection process. The Board of Directors vote on all managers approved by the selection committee. The board should approve managers  6 weeks prior to opening day (opening day is around mid-march). ●Treasurer Audit Committee
•Baseball Director serves on the annual treasurers audit committee with Vice President, President, Secretary and Treasurer. Assists in creating annual budget.
●Division Representatives
•Assists division reps before the seasons starts, during the season and after the regular season ends (posts season). Division reps look to the baseball director for guidance and advice on matters related to coaches, players, schedules, fields, etc.
●Mustang, Bronco and Pony Division Draft •Coordinates annual draft and serves as chair during the draft meetings. Changes to draft policies and procedures are determined by the board based on input from league reps and the baseball director.
●Inter-City Participation •Coordinates inter-city play with other communities with the help of PONY.  Serves on the inter-city rules committee and assists in creating the inter-city schedule on an as-needed basis. PONY normally creates an inter-city schedule for the Pony division, baseball directors normally create a schedule for Mustang and Bronco inter-city play

Softball Director – Executive Board
1.Chair of Manager selection committee a.Help select Mangers and Coaches at all levels
2.Notify Managers and Coaches of try-outs and start of season
3.Each Manager / Coach needs:
a.Equipment bag
b.Key to Arnett
c.Practice Schedule
d.Combination(s) for sheds and Porta-Potties
f. Field Permits
g.Supplemental Rules specific for each league Uniforms
h.Notify start of tee ball (games at FG not available till after noon) 
4.Field schedules - Practice
5.Orders uniforms
a.Works with Public Relations Coordinator to facilitate
b.Need sizes and styles including caps/visor choices
6.Attends CCS Board Meetings
7.Obtains blackout dates from school and city calendars and for game schedules
8.Field schedules - Games
9.Facilitates All Star draft
10.Facilitate Division Representatives participation in PG Pony monthly meetings


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Contact Us

Pacific Grove PONY Baseball and Softball, Inc

P O Box 317 
Pacific Grove, California 93950

Email Us: [email protected]
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