Zero Tolerance Policy

Addendum D


The Pacific Grove PONY (PG PONY) Zero Tolerance Policy addresses unsportsmanlike conduct and behavior (including but not limited to fighting) before, during and after any and all PG PONY baseball and softball games under the jurisdiction of PG PONY. It applies to all players, managers, coaches, board members, parents, relatives and fans attending any/all PG PONY baseball and softball games.

This policy prohibits any player, manager, coach, board member, parent, relative, or fan from making any contact, either verbal or physical, with any umpire, player, manager, coach, parent, relative, fan, PG PONY board member or official before, during or after any PG PONY baseball or softball games. Persons using obscene or abusive language (such as heckling, riding, or making uncomplimentary remarks) or engaging in any other antisocial conduct offensive to those around them will be asked to cease this conduct. The use of aerosol, gas, battery or electric operated air horns or the use of artificial whistles is prohibited. Fans that operate or use such devices shall be ordered by the designated home team to cease such operation immediately. If the offensive conduct persists, those involved will be subject to ejection from the ballpark and the premises and also subject to the adjudication as determined by the Participant Safety Program (PSP) Committee after review of the situation and despoilment. 

When PG teams play one another each team is responsible for disciplining their fans. For inter-city games played in PG, the home team shall be responsible for proper fan discipline. For inter-city games played away, the PG team shall be responsible for disciplining their fans. 

A team’s manager is the only person who should have discussions with an umpire. The direct line path from the vehicle of the umpire to/from the field of play is sacrosanct and will not be violated under any circumstances. There is to be no obscene or abusive language or gestures directed to an umpire before, during or after a game. Nor is an umpire to be confronted or threatened by verbal comments or physical gestures or contact. During the game, only authorized coaches or uniformed persons are permitted on to the playing field. 

Violation of this policy statement by any player, manager, coach, board member, parent, relative or fan will result in disciplinary resolution against the offending individual(s) and/or team. The action may result in removal from a game, a written reprimand, a short-term suspension, a long-term suspension, forfeiture of a game or games, cancellation of the remaining games in the season, or in the most severe instances, lifetime expulsion from PG PONY activities. In the event a violation occurs by any parent, relative or fan, the team who is supported by that parent, relative or fan may be disciplined as determined by the PSP Committee after review of the circumstances regarding any violation. 

Honoring the Game is the centerpiece of the PG PONY baseball and softball programs. P
layers, managers, coaches, and board members must respect the rules and provide the decorum for the game. Any violation of this policy statement will result in swift and decisive disciplinary action as determined and warranted by the PSP Committee regarding the review of Game, Ballpark (including stands/bleachers and other areas for spectators), and on the Field incidents.

Any player, manager, coach, board member or party accompanying a team may be immediately suspended from the remainder of the game from the time of the rule infraction and subject to be disciplined by the PSP Committee if they:

  1.  Use profane language in any manner.

  2. Make any unnecessary gesture(s) in protesting an umpire’s decision or make any unnecessary gesture(s) to fans or opposing coaches or players.  Only the team’s field manager/head coach may ask for a clarification of a rule or discuss a situation with an umpire.  The manager must be respectful, maintain control and ensure that focus on the game – as opposed to the umpire – is maintained.  Shouting or yelling at an umpire is never permitted.

  3. Throw bats or any other equipment in any angry manner or in protest

  4. Resort to unnecessary roughness on the playing field.

Appealing Decisions

Any player, manager, coach, board member, parent, relative or fan may request an interview/review by the PSP Committee.  The vote of the committee regarding the appeal will be final. 

How To Appeal

To appeal a decision, a person must file a notice of appeal.  The notice of appeal must be in writing and mailed or emailed to the PG PONY President within 30 days of the incident.  A description of the event that is being appealed should be included with the notice of appeal.

In order for the notice of appeal to be accepted, it must include:

  1.  The full name and address of the appellant.

  2. The name of the person making the request on behalf of the appellant.

  3. The address of the person making the request on behalf of the appellant.

  4. The grounds for the appeal (provide a detailed explanation of the appellant’s objections to the decision; describe additional facts or factual errors in the decision).

  5. The particulars relevant to the appeal (describe any background facts that relate to the appeal including how you are affected by the decision).

  6. A description of the relief requested (what you want the Board to do at the end of the appeal).

  7. The signature of the appellant or the appellant’s representative.

The PSP Committee will meet within two weeks of receiving the appeal notification letter and will provide a response within one week after the meeting.


Nothing in this policy shall be construed as a waiver or limitation of the discretion of PG PONY to discipline a player, manager, coach, board member, parent, relative or fan when, in the sole opinion of PG PONY, such is in the interests of PG PONY or its program participants. 


In following the Zero Tolerance Policy set forth by PG PONY,


All incidents need to be reported to the PSP Committee within 7 days, preferably within 72 hours of the occurrence, preferably in writing by email or submitting Incident Report Form.  Alternately, reporting party may call an Executive Board Member or PSP Committee member to report an incident by phone.  In that case, the in-person follow-up by the PSP Committee will be by someone other than the one who takes phone report.


There shall be two PSP Committee members present whenever dealing with face-to-face communications with parties involved in a reported incident; whether when gathering information or delivering written disciplinary action.

The two PSP Committee members will then present their findings to the PSP Committee for review and decision.  If further information is required, the Chair of the PSP Committee will follow-up with the involved parties.  The PSP Committee will provide final report to the Executive Board.


The PSP Committee will adopt the P.O.N.Y. rules as defined in the Zero Tolerance Policy, summarized below:

  1.  The PG PONY league officers (Executive Board) and/or the PSP Committee shall have the authority to suspend, discharge or otherwise discipline any player, manager, coach, umpire, board member or other person whose conduct is in violation of the Rules and Regulations of P.O.N.Y. Baseball, PG PONY Bylaws and Rules, and/or is considered detrimental to the best interest of PG PONY

  1.  Persons subject to such discipline shall have the right to meet with the PSP Committee (and/or Executive Board) as described in the Zero Tolerance Policy.

  2. In the event of such discipline involving a player, or other person under the age of 18, that person’s parent(s)/guardian(s) shall be in attendance. 

  1. Persons, youth or adult, who refuse to comply with the rules of P.O.N.Y. or PG PONY, may be considered for disciplinary action.

  1. Recognizing the difficulty of establishing specific penalties for a variety of violations of acceptable conduct, PG PONY Executive Board or PSP Committee may impose the one which, in their opinion, appears to match the severity of the offense (as described in the Zero Tolerance Policy)

  1. VERBAL WARNING:  The offending person may be advised by an Executive Board member or PSP Committee member verbally, at the time of the incident.  This is only applicable if a disciplinary member is present at the time of the incident.  If reported by another party, the Written Warning would be the first possible disciplinary action available.

  2. WRITTEN WARNING:  The offending person will be advised, in writing, of the offense, and further advised that repetition of the offense or followed by other offenses, shall result in a more severe penalty.

  3. SUSPENSION:  The offending person shall be advised, in writing, that he/she has been suspended from all PG PONY league activity (practices, games, fundraisers, etc) for a specific number of games or days.

  4. DISMISSAL:  The offending person is to be advised in writing that he/she has been dismissed from all PG PONY league activities for the remainder of the current year.  Year is defined as November 1st to October 31st.

  5. BARRED:  The offending person is to be advised in writing that he/she has been barred from present and future participation in all PG PONY league activities, permanently, or for a specific number of years.


All written documentation of incidents and/or disciplinary action will be kept in a folder in a secured box (ie: safety deposit box).  At least two committee members and/or one Executive Board member will have access to the secured box.

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P O Box 317 
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